Friday, January 22, 2010

Life Mel Honey Does Anybody Know About A Honey Called Life Mel?

Does anybody know about a honey called life Mel? - life mel honey

I Heard a lot about the benefits of Life Mel Who knows anything about this? Can you strengthen your immune system for the children?


  1. Never heard of honey, but still good. Can the hard work of the bees?

  2. Honey Anyway, should not be given to small children. May contain small amounts of salmonella, which are not significant for adults, but children can make you sick.

    PS, the bees do not care if you take the honey. You are not able to think rationally and to respond to put honey just done.

  3. This is a special bee is feeding some super-nutritious foods such as honey is to be a good freaky. I do not know, but if you do not start to play well with nature.



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